About Us

The Nation’s #1 Cash Discounting & Surcharging Platform.

Cash Discounting & Surcharging States


100% Compliant

Compliance Rules

  • Merchant must display signage at the following:
  • Merchant’s point of entry (in-store & online)
  • Point of transaction (payment location & check out page)
  • Charge to customer cannot exceed 4% and cannot be called a “Fee”
  • Non-Cash Charge must be shown:
  • Separately on the front of the receipt
  • In same font & size as other wording on the transaction receipt


    Swipe4Free provides Signage Stickers to be placed at point of entry and register in-store and a disclaimer for online stores.
    Swipe4Free will never assess a charge greater than 4% on any credit card or debit card transaction even on sales under $10.00
    The Swipe4Free receipt clearly displays “Non-Cash Charge” separately and in the same size and font as other text on the receipt.

Why Choose Swipe4Free?

100% Compliant

Processing Made Easy
Simplified Accounting
Easy Capital
Businesses that join Swipe4Free see an immediate increase in profit as a result of the savings from eliminating their processing bill. These savings are being used to cover payroll increases as a result of minimum wage hikes, rent and utility increases, increases in cost of merchandise, and much more.
“They charge 4% to my customers so I don’t have to pay anything. If a customer purchases $10 worth of goods, I receive $10. This is one amazing service and it’s completely free for merchants!”
“My family’s cost of living was going up and I needed to increase the amount of money I took home. Swipe4Free allowed me to instantly increase my profits and cover my family’s overhead.”
“Thanks to Swipe4Free. I’m able to manage higher minimum wage laws for my employees without having to reduce their hours or downsize my staff.”
“Food & labor costs are constantly increasing. Swipe4Free helped us recover those increased costs by eliminating our credit card processing fees instantly.

Same Day Approvals with a

99% Approval Rate!